
conscious activity中文是什么意思

  • 意识活动
  • 自觉行为



  • 例句与用法
  • Human relations become "atomised", assuming a material character independent of human control and conscious activity .
  • Human relations become " atomised " , assuming a material character independent of human control and conscious activity
    人的关系变得“松散” ,具有独立于人的控制和有意识活动的物质性。
  • Narrative thinking is man ' s conscious activity , aiming at shaping the main image through narrative and setting up a model for human development
  • Regardless of their own country ' s reality , copying indiscriminately the experience of others , exaggerating conscious activity , putting undue emphasis on the reaction of the production realations on the productive forces and the superstructure on the economic base , etc . are all their expressions
  • The other is that the methods of teaching composition must agree with the generative law of composition , and must concern student ' s emotional experience and aesthetic interest , so as to respect student ' s writing individuality and give full play to their conscious activity in writing action
  • This research deeply reflects the students in senior one whose chemical self - efficiency sense current situation and attribution inclination in chemical study , the characteristic and specific situation formation ( the background , precondition ) , to carry on students " attribution training during chemical teaching in view of the above ; combining group coach with specific training , facing all students and choose the typical individual to track at the same tune , and to accumulate cases ; giving full play to students " conscious activity through writing diary by reflective thinking or brief summary on learning and setting up chemistry learning file , etc to strengthen one " s own consciousness , learn to regulate oneself ; to evaluate the effect of attribution training , that is , chemistry - learning efficiency , the author actively try combining subjective evaluation with objective evaluation , teachers " evaluation with students " own
    本研究较深入地了解到高一学生对化学学习的自我效能感现状,高一学生在化学学习中的归因倾向、特点及其形成的特定情境(背景、前提条件) ,并据此在化学学科教学中对学生进行心理归因训练;采用团体辅导与个别训练相结合,面向全体学生同时选择典型个体进行追踪,积累案例材料;充分发挥学生主体的主观能动性,通过写反思日记或学习小结、建立化学学习档案等方法,强化自我反思意识,学会自我调节:积极尝试主观评价与客观评价、教师评价与学生自我评价相结合的方式,对归因训练效果即化学学习效能进行了评价。
  • Three management pattern should be established : ensure the share of information resources and the unblocked of order by network ; the transmit ion of order fast by reducing the link ; give play to conscious activity of different levels commander by dividing of power . this is decided by the future war ' s character
  • 推荐英语阅读
conscious activity的中文翻译,conscious activity是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译conscious activity,conscious activity的中文意思,conscious activity的中文conscious activity in Chineseconscious activity的中文conscious activity怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
